
War Hippies Touch Hearts With “Like Father, Like Daughter” Song

Scooter Brown of the War Hippies duo discusses their latest heartfelt single, “Like Father, Like Daughter.”
BY Jim Hannaford Jun 14, 2024 Read Time: 4 minutes
War Hippies Touch Hearts With “Like Father, Like Daughter” Song
The Kimber CDS9

“Like Father, Like Daughter”: The Perfect Father's Day Tune

Listening to War Hippies’ new single, “Like Father, Like Daughter,” you may wonder how much of the storyline comes directly from the singer’s own life. There’s an easy answer to that.

“It’s 100 percent real,” says Scooter Brown, half of the unconventional country duo. But it’s not simply a love song to his baby girl. It’s about all three of them—Logan, Kinsey and Anniston.

Listen to the song here:

“There’s a little piece of all of them in there,” Brown says, “and I’m just happy to be able to actually cut the song and put it out.”

war hippies
Scooter with his daughters. L to R: Kinsley, Logan and Anniston.

Drawing on Father-Daughter Memories

Judging from his beautifully sweet song, he’s obviously happy to be a dad, too. Over a tender melody, he reflects on a few precious memories from his rewarding life as a family man. His imagery is so vivid that we can almost see those sparkling brown eyes he sings about, and we smile at the thought of his little girl dressing up to join him on a fishing trip. And many parents may feel the same panic he did watching his child take a scary-looking spill from her bike.

“Your soul leaves your body when you see them fall like that,” he says, “and they’re not even fazed by it. They just get back on and keep riding.”

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Fans Appreciate The Family-Man Ways

Brown wrote the song a couple of years ago but wasn’t sure War Hippies’ fans would embrace such a gentle, heartfelt song that was so personal. He shouldn’t have worried, though. Since they started performing the song live, he and his musical partner, Donnie Reis, have been blown away by the response from their fans.

“It’s really been amazing,” says Brown. “When grown men are coming up crying or holding up a picture of their daughter on their phone, it’s pretty dang cool.”

war hippies performing

War Hippies Rising From Combat Roots

That suggests that many of their fans are sensitive softies inside like the War Hippies seem to be, despite their somewhat shaggy and burly appearance. That incongruity may be part of the big appeal of this fast-rising duo that formed just two years ago. Both were established musicians in Nashville already, and they also shared a powerful bond as fellow combat veterans. Each of them took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Brown as a Marine, and Reis with the U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division.

Other distinctive traits of War Hippies include Reis’ tight vocal harmonies to go along with his masterful musicianship. As a violinist, he draws on his classical training to create an orchestral foundation for Brown’s lead vocals and acoustic guitar.

“Like Father, Like Daughter” Music Video Really Hits Home

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It’s a cliche, but many songwriters say they could never single out a favorite song they’ve written because they think of them all as their children. Brown admits he’s partial to a particular lyric in “Like Father, Like Daughter,” however.

“Probably my favorite line in the song is, ‘She loves her mama like the mornin’ loves a rising sun,’” he says. “The reason it’s my favorite is that’s how I was able to include my wife, Vickie, in the song. We just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.”

war hippies like father like daughter

The whole family loves the song, he says, including his and Vickie’s only son, Eli. He hopes that the accompanying video, which artfully includes home videos of the children, will become a kind of digital keepsake for them for years to come.

Check out the official “Like Father, Like Daughter” music video below:

“I’ve been doing music all their lives, and this will be something for them to look back on and know that they were included in my career,” Brown says. “Years from now, they’ll have this video to look back on and maybe show their own kids. They can say, ‘Hey, here’s what Grandpa did.’ And of course, I hope that other people get to enjoy it as well.”

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A Perfect Father's Day Or Wedding Day Song

Because it’s being released today, you might think of “Like Father, Like Daughter” as a special Father’s Day gift from War Hippies. Chances are darn good "Like Father, Like Daughter" will become one of the all-time favorite songs for wedding day father-daughter dances.

Learn more and check out the official video at “Like Father, Like Daughter” is also available on many major streaming services.

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