
The Right Stuff – Prepper Gear

Have The Gear and Know How To Use It If there is one thing I am, it is prepared. Probably too much. But, in threatening situations, you can never be…
BY John J. Radzwilla Dec 30, 2020 Read Time: 3 minutes
The Right Stuff – Prepper Gear
The Kimber CDS9

Have The Gear and Know How To Use It

If there is one thing I am, it is prepared. Probably too much. But, in threatening situations, you can never be prepared enough. Having the basics on hand at all times is essential for survival. Emergencies can come out of nowhere. From natural disasters to human error, you need the proper gear and education during minor injuries to worst-case-scenarios. Recently, I came across two products: PRPRD Emergency Preparedness Supplies and Dr. William W. Forgey’s book, The Prepper’s Medical Handbook, How to provide medical care when you can’t rely on anyone but yourself.

First, I highly recommend always having supplies on hand, and the organization and packaging of PRPRD products is superior to most other companies. In fact, founder, Norman Gregory III, has built the only all-inclusive readiness kit geared towards the average American homeowner. Pulling from his upbringing and experiences growing up in West Texas, Gregory and team will have you prepared for anything life can throw at you. And if you know about West Texas, you know that it can get western out there really quick.

With a wide-ranging list of preparedness items included, PRPRD delivers everything from basic first aid items such as gauze and Band-Aids, to NOAA hand-crank radios and collapsible LED lanterns. On top of that, they come housed in containers of your choice. Personally, I prefer the hard waterproof case option, but an alternative portable dry bag option is great for folks looking for a toss-and-go setup. The “Lite Kit” starts at $69.99 and is perfect for vehicles. It includes a first aid kit and valuable items such as emergency glow sticks, rain poncho, reflective vest, whistle, and a mylar blanket. On the high end of offerings is the PRPRD2Go Essentials Kit for $199.99. This kit includes a more advanced first aid kit, home essentials such as lights and radios, personal care kits with soap to face masks, feminine care kit, hydration and nutrition options, as well as an included first aid guide. Visit to purchase.

Next, what is it all worth if you have no clue what to do and how to use these valuable items? Enter Dr. William W. Forgey, an expert in medical preparedness and author of The Prepper’s Medical Handbook. The basis of adequate prepping is being prepared for both common and dire events that may occur under the worst of all possible circumstances. These circumstances might include the breakdown in normal emergency support services (such as calling 911), the lack of ability to obtain additional supplies, and the probability that you will not be able to rely on anyone but members of your immediate group or yourself.

Self-reliant medical care requires significant technical preparation. This book provides the basis of prevention, identification, and long-term management of survivable medical conditions and skills that can be performed with minimal training. It helps you identify sources of materials you will need and should stockpile, discusses storage issues and directs you to resources for more complex procedures that require advanced techniques.

The Right Stuff - Prepper Gear

Both of these products, the book and the preparedness kits, are excellent sources of conventional preparedness information and gear. The one thing that I would add is at some point supplies will run out in long-term situations. I would also suggest educating yourself on natural self-reliance too. Mother Nature has her own stockpile of survival aids, and when the man-made, over-the-counter options are no more, look to natural remedies and options. There are so many great classes that can be found locally online as well as a vast list of search engine results pages deep on natural alternatives. A simple search of: “How do I survive in the wilderness?” and/or “Natural survival remedies” will keep you busy for hours.

For more survival tips, click here.

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