17 Best New Turkey Calls for 2025

Have a Look at Some of the Great New Turkey Calls That Were on Display at the 2025 NWTF Convention
Winter is waning, and spring is on the horizon. As such, people are thinking about spring things, and for hunters, that includes sights and sounds from the turkey woods. Gobblers echoing through the hollows. Full-strut displays high on the hillsides. The up-close, bone-chilling sounds of a longbeard spitting and drumming at 15 steps. Yeah, these are the true spoils of spring, and they’re only a calendar page or two away.
During the pre-season, most hunters enjoy stocking up on the latest turkey gear. If that’s you, check out some of the top turkey hunting call for 2025. These and more were recently on display at the NWTF Convention.
Buck Gardner (BG) Diaphragm & Pot Calls

Buck Gardner (BG) Calls have several great offerings for 2025. The Classic Pot Call comes in numerous variations, including purpleheart and aluminum with a diamondwood striker, cherry and slate with a maple and hickory striker, walnut and slate with a maple and hickory striker, cherry and crystal with a diamondwood striker, cherry and glass with a maple and hickory striker, and walnut and glass with a maple and hickory striker. Several mouth call options include the Blazin’ Batwing Cut, Crankin’ Combo Cut, Master V Cut, and more.
Cartel Custom Calls

Don’t mind the name, this crew isn’t a cartel to be afraid of. However, turkeys should be. They have top selections in mouth and friction calls. Standout options include the WCB pot call, which includes an aluminum tone board, crystal surface, ambrosia maple pot, and two-piece striker with purpleheart. Several hot picks are available in the WCB diaphragm line, too. Outside of the WCB-branded calls, hunters might consider the Bolt On, Dada, Ghostface Killa, Pure Dopamine, Soul Snatcher, Triple OG, and more.
CBS Friction Calls

Another excellent custom call maker, CBS makes great pot calls. Three excellent offerings available this year include the Jenna, No Boundaries, and Vixen. They also have a full line of diaphragm calls.
Eddie Salter Game Calls

Another stalwart in the turkey hunting industry, Eddie Salter has his own line of turkey calls. His lineup includes numerous box, pot, and locator calls. The “Turkey Man” box is reliable and sweet-sounding. So are the Bad Dude and Turkey Man slate calls. Certainly, check out the Screaming Crow and Screaming Owl Hooter locator calls. If you’re in the diaphragm game, check out his offerings there, too.
Gooserbat Game Calls
Gooserbat Game Calls has a lot of cool products available this year. Operating in the box, friction pot, mouth call, and custom markets, it has numerous offerings on shelves. Several top diaphragm picks include the Bacon, D.T.W., Hillbilly, Soul Sister, and more.
H.S. Strut Turkey Calls

One of the most popular names in turkey calls (and other turkey hunting gear) is H.S. Strut. It has numerous diaphragm and friction calls that hunters are sure to love. In the diaphragm department, the Cutt’N 2.5, Double D, Ol’ Mama Hen, Power V, Raspy Old Hen, and Triple Trauma are big-time performers. Expert Edge 3, Fearsome 4, and Premium Flex 4 multi-packs are also available. Plus, the Raspy Old Hen Glass, Raspy Old Hen Slate, Sweet Suzie Snood Glass, and The Cookie Cutt’R Combo (with the Cookie Cutt’R Glass pot call with Tracer Lid, carbon striker, E-Z Rasp diaphragm, and Loco Crow Call), are great selections.
Additionally, some might prefer the Push Button Yelper. And the Hammerin’ Crow, Hooter, and Mega Hoot are sure to make those longbeards shock gobble so hard they fall off the limb. Don’t sleep on the Suzie Snood and Raspy Old Hen box calls, either.
Houndstooth Game Calls Diaphragms

Houndstooth Game Calls is in the game for 2025 as well. It offers a wide array of unique mouth calls. Intriguing calls to try include the All Pro 3 Reed, Deep Beak 3 Reed, Ghost Cut 3 Reed, G-Baby, K.B., Low Crawler V, Nox, Pine Top Punisher, etc.
Legacy Calls

Legacy Calls has a large slate of calls for 2025 as well. It provides many options. Some of the best diaphragms include the Fatal Attraction, Green Beret, Green Mile, Hysterical Hen, Lone Hen, Lady’s Night, Lone Hen 2.5, Lone Hen 3, Lost Legacy, Prized Possession, Slobberknocker, and others. Great pot calls include the Milestone and Misleading Glass offerings. Also, check out the custom strikers, including the Bloodwood, Purple Heart, and others. They even have strikers designed for wet weather.
Longbranch Game Calls

Longbranch Game Calls is another option this turkey season. In the diaphragm category, the Combo Cut, Ghost Cut, H.P. Batwing, Modified Split V, and others, are top picks. Additionally, check out the Gray Slate and Purple Heart Box Call, too.
Mountain Hollow Game Calls

Another great option is Mountain Hollow Game Calls. It operates heavily in the diaphragm department. Just a few of its popular selections include the Agitator, Drama Queen, G.F. Gobbler Getter, JC Manipulator, Prima Donna, Radical Hen, etc.
Obsession Custom Calls

Obsession Custom Calls provides a unique twist to their offerings. Working heavily in the pot call category, its offerings include unique woods and staining. Additionally, these glass and slate calls incorporate incredible feather designs. The strikers are crafted from premier, high-quality wood, too.
Preston Pittman Calls
Preston Pittman has been building and selling calls for a long time. He knows the ropes, and his calls reflect that. While he produces various types of turkey calls, the pot calls are especially impressive. Key models to check out include the Two Face Aluminum, Two Face Glass, Two Face Slate, Whisper (two-pot system with calls on both sides), Working Girl Slate, and more. Additionally, the Coyote Howler and Owl Hooter are excellent locator calls.
Quaker Boy Double Easy Yelper

Quaker Boy has been around for a long time, and its brand is well known. It’s especially famous for the push-pull style turkey call, as shown here. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the all-new-for-2025 Double Easy Yelper is set to be a big hit. This call is ideal for sounding like two birds in a quick and simple manner. Beginner and experienced hunters can use it. Vocalizations to mimic include the cackle, cluck, kee-kee, fighting purr, purr, yelp, etc. This one is crafted to run with one hand, freeing you up to complete other tasks while calling. It’s made with maple and mahogany wood.
Shag Hill Custom Calls

One of the premier options in custom box calls, these are some sweet-sounding turkey vocalizers. Furthermore, they come with unique paint designs, wood offerings, and more. Check them out on Facebook for additional info.
Spur Brand Turkey Calls

Spur Brand is offering impressive lines of calls again this year. Its pot calls come in numerous variations, including walnut with glass, glass with glass, aluminum with glass, slate with glass, and more. It also has quite a few mouth calls, including individual products, such as the Boss B (batwing cut) and Lady Luck (V cut). It also has combo packs, which includes the Boss B (double cut), Purr Suader (batwing), and The Ghost (ghost cut).
Teacy Nail Calls

Turkey hunting calls made from nails? That’s what Teacy Nail Calls built a brand on. The nail is driven into a small rectangular piece of wood, which is easily held in hand. Then, the nail acts as a “striker” on a piece of premier slate.

A well-known name in the hunting world, Zink makes an excellent lineup of turkey calls. It offers everything from box calls to diaphragms to pot calls. Key diaphragms to consider include the Batwing, Green Machine, Lucky Lady, Signature Snake Tongue, Thunder Fang, Thunder V, Wicked Sister, V-Notch, X-Lady, Z-Combo, Z-Cutter, Z-Yelper, and more. Some of these are offered in multi-packs. Pot calls to keep an eye on features the Thunder Ridge Series, which includes Crystal and Slate offerings. In the box department, the Power Hen, Wicked, and Wicked X are top picks.
Be Sure To Check Out The 13 Best Turkey Calls from NWTF 2024!
They may be from last year, but don't sleep on this collection of box, slate, diaphragm, and locator turkey calls that caught our eye at the 2024 NWTF Convention!
HS Strut Drury Outdoors Signature Box Call: Best Box Call for Practicality

The Drury Outdoors Signature Box Call by HS Strut is the ideal turkey call. Practically speaking, it doesn’t get much better. The body is made from select American walnut wood and the paddle is made from purpleheart wood. Callers will benefit from the deep cavity with a narrow bottom. MSRP is $49.99.

The Crow Caw II by The Grind produces a solid pick for those seeking a good locator call. It makes a high-pitched tone that helps spark gobblers to talk. It comes in a lightweight package that gets loud if needed. MSRP is $19.99.
Preston Pittman Custom Box Call: Best Customizable Laser-Engraved Box Call

The Custom Box Call by Preston Pittman Game Calls is a great option for those who want to add something extra to their turkey call. Its ability to add personalized messaging is ideal for gift-giving—up to 60 characters of wording is allowed. It is double-sided and hand-tuned for realistic sounds. MSRP is $124.99.
Primos Cut and Run Turkey Call Bundle: Best Turkey Call Bundle Pack

The Cut and Run Turkey Call Bundle by Primos is a great choice for those wanting to cover their bases. With it comes two diaphragms, one box call, one slate call (with striker), a shaker, and more. This offering is a solid buy. MSRP is $118.11.
Woodhaven The Walnut Real Hen: Best Overall Box Call

The Walnut Real Hen by Woodhaven is another great selection. It’s great for deep, raspy yelps. It is also good for cutts and cackles, too. The box is built from walnut, and the paddle is Brazilian cherry. MSRP is $94.99.
Woodhaven The Hunting Public “Alpha”: Best User-Friendly Mouth Call

The Hunting Public “Alpha” by Woodhaven shouldn’t be overlooked. This diaphragm call is ideal for making the range of vocalizations hunters use in the field. The three-reed design makes it easier to control, and it gets that high-pitched front end and raspy back end we all like. MSRP is $15.99.
Woodhaven Next Level Ninja Slate: Best Overall Slate Call

The Next Level Ninja Slate by Woodhaven is the standard for friction calls. It delivers on the proven pot call design. The wood is a trusted walnut profile, which pairs nicely with hickory and purpleheart strikers. These two strikers sound like two different hen turkeys. Overall, this call is great for cackles, cutts, purrs, yelps, and more. MSRP is $99.99.
Black Label Game Calls Top Shelf Aluminum: Best Overall Aluminum Call

The Top Shelf Aluminum Call by Black Label Game Calls is a unique offering. This comes with walnut wood and an aluminum inset. It also comes with a two-piece diamond wood striker that cuts through the wind and significantly amplifies sound levels. It’s ideal for long-range locating or windy days. MSRP is $75.
Dead End Game Calls Tube Call: Best Tube Turkey Call
The Tube Call from Dead End Game Calls is a great choice for those who want a tube-based option. It comes with a .006 gray latex material. It’s able to produce all turkey sounds, including the gobble.
Quaker Boy Double Easy Yelper: Best Push-Button Turkey Call

A staple in the turkey-hunting world, the Quaker Boy Double Easy Yelper remains the best push-button turkey call on the market. It’s a new rendition of a proven one-handed turkey call design that the company has used for years. It features mahogany sides, maple strikers, birch dowels, stainless steel springs, and more. MSRP is $39.99.
Rolling Thunder Black Betty Mouth Call: Best Overall Mouth Call

The Rolling Thunder Black Betty Mouth Call is just a great overall call. This three-reed call has a modified snake tongue cut. It features a great rasp that seasoned turkey hunters look for. MSRP is $11.
Rolling Thunder Thunderdome Slate Pot Call: Best Budget Friction Call

The Rolling Thunder Thunderdome Slate Pot Call offers a slate surface atop a polycarbonate soundboard with a glass-filled nylon pot. The call gets great range and rasp, making it perfect for windy days. Plus, its ergonomic design makes for easy use. It comes with a one-piece hickory striker with a flare tip. MSRP is $50.
Bone Collector Soggy Bottom Box Call: Best Waterproof Box Call

The Soggy Bottom Box Call by Bone Collector is a surefire winner. It has a multi-wood construction with a waterproofed paddle and striking surface. It easily makes raspy yelps, cutts, clucks, and more. It comes hand-tuned for consistency. MSRP is $50.