Mapping Success: Using Apps to Locate Turkey Hunting Hotspots

Don't Go In Blind! 14 Reasons To Use Hunting Apps To Scout Wild Turkeys
Scouting wild turkeys is an important part of pre-season preparation. There are many reasons to use hunting apps to scout wild turkeys. Without question, the implementation of maps increases success. Here’s your guide to using apps to locate turkey hunting hotspots.
1. Scouting From Above to Find Quality Areas
One of the biggest advantages of scouting turkeys with apps and maps is the reduction in time spent in the field. Scouring your hunt area from above is a big first step in turkey hunting success. Hunting apps, such as HuntStand, offer exceptional app layers.

Aerial-focused layers, such as 3D Map, National Aerial Imagery, Satellite, Mapbox Satellite, and more, are ideal for locating potential roost sites, feeding areas, etc. Topo-focused layers, such as 3D Map, Contour, Terrain, and others, are good for locating roosts, strut zones, and other important areas. Of course, specialty layers, including the 3D Map, Contour, Monthly Satellite, Property Info, Public Lands, and others, assist with key scouting tasks as well.
2. Studying Aerial & Habitat Land Features
Historically, topo maps were common, but hunters didn’t have quality aerial views that showcased the habitat and terrain. Another benefit of using apps to locate turkeys is studying aerial and habitat land features. Important ones to consider include edges, pinch points, swamps, waterways, and more. These are areas that turkeys commonly roost, feed, and otherwise inhabit.
3. Drilling Down on Key Topographic Features
Hunting apps are ideal for studying important topographic features, too. Key top features include benches, bottomlands, draws, flats, hills, hollows, ridges, pinch-points, points, and more. Turkeys commonly roost, feed, and strut. These topographic changes provide for important security and food source needs.
4. Observing Aerial & Topographic Features Simultaneously
Traditionally, printed maps only allowed aerial or topographic views. Eventually, these adapted to provide hybrid views. That said, modern apps allow numerous variations of this format. It allows for various nuances within the scouting space, including aerial and topographic features within the same layers. Examples include 3D, Contour, and more.
5. Viewing Hunting Lands in Realistic 3D Formatting
Some modern hunting apps offer realistic 3D mapping. This format allows turkey hunters to view the habitat and topography simultaneously. Furthermore, it showcases the landscape and makes it much easier to digest than a hybrid or traditional topo map. Spending time “zooming” around your hunt area in 3D almost allows it to imprint on your brain, which can make a difference when making good hunt plans and quick decisions in the field.
6. Recognizing Potential Roost Sites
Some app layers can assist with recognizing potential roost sites. Turkeys commonly roost along bluffs, bottomlands, field edges, ridge lines, pine forests, mature oaks (and other hardwoods), and other key locations. App layers provide no guarantees, but these can reveal potential locations to scout in person.

7. Foreshadowing Potential Feeding Areas
Similarly to pinpointing roosts, app layers can foreshadow potential feeding areas, too. Turkeys commonly feed in ag fields, cattle pastures, other fields, food plots, bottomlands, ridge lines, and more. These areas can be easily identified using various maps and app layers.
8. Noting Potential Nesting Cover
As spring progresses, more hens begin nesting. After breeding, they start fashioning a nest and laying eggs. Of course, the complete poult-rearing cycle follows. Interestingly, as fewer hens are receptive to gobblers, the male birds begin following them closer to these nesting areas. Thus, by noting potential nesting cover on your hunting app, you can locate likely areas that serve as nesting cover. Such spots are oftentimes edge cover, or thick, early successional habitat.
9. Locating Private Landowner Information
One of the most powerful benefits of hunting apps is the landowner information provided. See some turkeys out in a private land field? Check the landowner information to see who owns it. Then, knock on a door or send a letter requesting hunting permission (or lease). Or maybe it’s public land? Check the Public Lands layer to see what the name of it is and where the property lines are located. Furthermore, check the hunting regulations that apply to this zone, county, and specific property (if public land).
Prescribed fire is a great land management tool. It’s especially proven to enhance wild turkey habitat. Oftentimes, turkeys are drawn almost immediately to areas recently burned. This is due to easier bugging and foraging conditions. It also encourages new plant growth, which turkeys love. Fortunately, the Monthly Satellite Layer, which is updated monthly, can reveal areas that were burned in the weeks and months leading up to turkey season.

11. Deploying the Monthly Satellite Layer to See Vehicle Densities in Public Parking Lots
The monthly satellite layer isn’t just for controlled burns. (Or pinpointing logging efforts, crop rotations, etc.) It’s also good for studying the parking lots of public lands. Simply revert back to the last few turkey seasons to see how many vehicles were parking along public land properties. That should help gauge the volume of hunting pressure during turkey season.
12. Finding Overlooked Public Lands
Some public lands are more pressured than others. Fortunately, hunting apps are extremely good at finding public lands that are more challenging to access. Of course, these are the lands that are more apt to receive less pressure. If the land requires more effort to access, fewer hunters will be there. That’s why you should scout and hunt it.
13. Benefiting from Offline Mapping
Many of America’s great hunting spots have no cellular service. Thus, hunting apps offer offline mapping. Most of the app’s primary features work even when cell service is limited or absent. This allows turkey hunters to continue using the app, including checking property lines, maintaining map icon markers and notes, and more.
14. Ranking Your Best Turkey Hunting Spots

Everyone has their favorite hunting spots. But an app keeps hunters organized. With a solid understanding of your scouting discoveries, it’s possible to rank your best turkey hunting spots. Keep notes of everything, and outline your properties from best to worst.
While the above list is a great starting point, there are many other methods for using hunting apps. Find your own unique ways to capitalize on these powerful digital tools. Do that, and turkey season should be grand this year.