
Jobs That Let You Hunt More

Some people just want to deer hunting more often. Unfortunately, work oftentimes gets in that way of that. For those seeking more time in the outdoors, here are 13 jobs that let you deer hunt more often.
BY Josh Honeycutt Feb 09, 2023 Read Time: 3 minutes
Jobs That Let You Hunt More
The Kimber CDS9

Some people just want to deer hunting more often. Unfortunately, work oftentimes gets in that way of that. For those seeking more time in the outdoors, here are 13 jobs that let you hunt more.

1. Accounting

Accountants experience their heaviest workload from January to June. This widow is outside of the bulk of deer season, and outside all of it for some states. While they still work during these months, timing is much more flexible.

2. Airline Pilot

Airline pilots oftentimes work interesting schedules. This commonly leads to a lot of work condensed into a shorter amount of time. This routinely frees them up for time in the field.

3. Business Owner

Perhaps the best option for getting more time in the treestand is being a business owner. Of course, that depends on the industry the business is in. Still, if you’re a one-man show and the slow season is during the fall and/or winter, or if the business is built up enough to have employees, that gives you more time. Construction work and carwashes are two great examples.

4. Factory Work

Many a hunter has done shift work at a factory. It’s good, honest labor, offers good pay, and might just even land you more treestand time. This is even truer if you work second shift (and hunt mornings) or third shift (and hunt afternoons).

The Kimber CDS9

5. Firefighting

Another excellent option is being a firefighter. This career path revolves around several days on, and several days off. That’s perfect for deer hunters who hope to maximize their time in the woods.

6. Freelancing

As a freelancer myself, I must tout this option. Freelancers and contractors are technically self-employed, and therefore, have a little more flexibility in their schedule. Of course, this varies depending on the industry and type of work, but finding one that works for your hunting endeavors is a great path.

7. Healthcare

Some jobs in the healthcare field are like firefighting. Oftentimes, these skilled workers finish their workweek in three to four days. In the fall and winter, that leaves three to four days to go deer hunting.

8. Hunting Guide

While hunting guides technically don’t get to hunt as often as they’d like, they are still in the field a bunch. Plus, they oftentimes hit the woods themselves after getting hunters to their respective spots.

The Kimber CDS9

9. Landscaping

Those who hope to make great money and spend more time chasing whitetails should consider landscaping. The slower time of year falls during the best times to deer hunt. That alone is reason enough to consider it.

10. Lawn Care

As with landscaping, lawn care hits its stride outside of the best months for deer hunting. The peak times for each one don’t conflict much. That’s a big win for whitetail enthusiasts.

11. Offshore Workers

Those who work in the oil fields tend to get their time in on condensed schedules. This regularly leads to an increased number of days in the deer woods. That said, it does call for extended periods away from home. Some don’t like that tradeoff.

12. Outfitter

Similarly to guiding, outfitting also offers more time in the woods. Much of that is spent helping others, but it’s still more time afield. Plus, it opens you up to some good deer hunting ground, too.

The Kimber CDS9

13. Writer

As a writer, I can vouch for this trade as a great option for those who like to hunt. Writers can work from virtually anywhere, including the deer blind. You can also work odd hours to maximize time outside, too.

All things considered, these jobs that let you hunt more are many options for deer hunters. But that isn’t the only factor. Talk with your family. Think about your career goals. Pray to God about the situation. Hear what He has to say about it. And then make your move, if or when the time comes.

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