Vintage Winchester Loads, More CWD Found, and Poaching Updates

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A lot happens each week, and outdoorsmen and women alike should remain in the know on recent events involved with their preferred lifestyle. From vintage Winchester loads to more CWD found to poaching updates, here’s what you should know.
Winchester Vintage Edition XPERT Waterfowl Loads Available Now
Waterfowl hunters should be pleased to know that Winchester Ammunition recently released a vintage edition of XPERT high-velocity steel shotshell loads for the waterfowlers who want a bit of nostalgia in their lives. These are available in duck and goose loads. Benefit from the high-velocity steel shot (1,550 fps). Incredibly, these yield more energy per pellet, which results in better terminal performance. Get these in vintage packaging. Available in 12 gauge 3-inch shells with 1 1/8-oz payloads. Shot size comes in 2 and BB. Get these in boxes of 25.
Officials Offering $103,500 Reward For Information In Mexican Wolf Death
An investigation into the death of Mexican Wolf 2979 is underway. The female wolf was found dead near Forest Service Road 2058 and East Spring Valley Road. Earlier this year, the wolf was documented outside of the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area (MWEPA). Officials fitted her with a collar, and after DNA analysis, realized she originated and dispersed from the Tu Dil Hil pack in the MWEPA. Eventually, she was seen traveling with another wolf, of which its origins remain unknown. That said, efforts to relocate both wolves were ongoing when she was found dead. A reward of up to $103,500 is being offered if the information results in a successful prosecution.
Montana Game Wardens Seek Info On Poached Bull Elk
According to the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, game wardens are seeking information on a bull elk that was shot and left to waste outside of Dillon. Officials believe it was a result of shooting into the herd with additional elk beyond the target animal. Wanton waste is prohibited in Montana, and as a result, hunters must remove all suitable meat, which usually includes the four quarters, backstraps, loins, and sometimes more.
“This is a reminder of one of the basic rules of firearm safety: Always be sure of your target and beyond,” said FWP game warden Cameron Wischhusen. “Shooting into a herd of animals is never a good idea and often results in wounded animals and wasted meat.”
Montana Game Wardens Seek Info On Poached Whitetail Buck
Last week, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks game wardens recovered a whitetail buck that was killed near Potomac in the Blackfoot Valley. It was located on private land in a field. Wardens believe it was shot and left. Those with information might be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
CWD Newly Discovered In Another Wyoming Hunt Area
CWD continues to spread into new areas. Recently, it was found in a Wyoming Hunt Area where it wasn’t previously located. A cow in Elk Hunt Area 23 was tested via hunter-harvested surveillance. It was taken in the Casper region.
“The Centers for Disease Control recommends hunters do not consume any animal that is obviously ill or tests positive for CWD,” said the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “The disease is 100% fatal to deer, elk, and moose that have been infected. In 2023, Game and Fish personnel tested more than 5,000 CWD lymph node samples from deer and elk — primarily submitted by hunters — and continue to evaluate new recommendations for trying to manage the disease.”
Mathews Announces 2025 Hunting Bows
As a leader in the compound bow space, Mathews continues to release great products. Its 2025 hunting line is no different. It recently unveiled the Lift X, which builds upon the ever-popular Lift.
“The LIFT X continues to push the envelope of bow technology,” said Brad Treu, Mathews Vice President, Sales & Marketing. “While the 2024 LIFT was among our best-selling bows of all time, we’re never satisfied. After countless hours of R&D, we took to the drawing board to find ways to enhance the archery experience even further. Out of that has come the all-new LIFT X, resulting in our most versatile hunting system to date”.
“Limb Shift Technology brings the highest level of precision tuning to the individual archer,” said Mark Hayes, Mathews Design Engineering Manager. “No longer will you need a bow press to tune your bow. With LST, you can quickly and easily tune your bow with the simple turn of a wrench to achieve a perfect tune, every time.”
Mathews Announces 2025 Target Bows
Likewise, Mathews is offering an excellent lineup in the target bow arena, too. The all-new Title is a great bow for those operating in competition archery.
“The Title was engineered to the uncompromising standards of the best target archers in the world,” said Brad Treu, Mathews VP of Sales & Marketing. “This year we extended the TITLE family to fit any archer with the addition of the new 34” and 40” axle-to-axle lengths. Equipped with our patented Limb Shift Technology and compatible with our new BOND Grip System, the 2025 TITLE elevates the best-performing target bow we’ve ever created.”
Michigan Deer Harvest Is Down Significantly
According to the Detroit Free Press, Michigan gun hunters have harvested more than 61,000 deer. Jalen Williams and Dave Boucher report that, so far this year, the deer harvest is down. According to officials, far more bucks than does are being harvested, too, which doesn’t align with what the DNR wants to see in the harvest data. They’re hoping more does will be harvested during the remainder of the season.
Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission Offering Hunting & Fishing License Discounts
According to News4Jax, based on recent reports, the FWC recently announced it will offer a 50% discount on select hunting and fishing licenses. It includes the annual and five-year Gold Sportsman licenses, as well as the Youth Lifetime Sportsman licenses. This offer is good through January 3, 2025.