
Kentucky Huntress Allie Butler

Allie Butler Travels the World Hunting but Holds firm Her Kentucky Roots Allie Butler Age: 28 Hometown: Hardinsburg, Kentucky Instagram: @alliembutler Allie Butler grew up in rural Hardinsburg, Kentucky, a…
BY Barry Wise Smith Nov 01, 2019 Read Time: 5 minutes
Kentucky Huntress Allie Butler
The Kimber CDS9

Allie Butler Travels the World Hunting but Holds firm Her Kentucky Roots

Allie Butler
Age: 28
Hometown: Hardinsburg, Kentucky
Instagram: @alliembutler

Allie Butler grew up in rural Hardinsburg, Kentucky, a small town of about 2,500 people hunting and fishing with her father. Today, Allie Butler is an influencer with almost 150,000 Instagram followers and an outdoor brand ambassador who travels the world hunting.

Kentucky Woman | Allie Butler 1

1) Tell me about growing up in Kentucky.

My parents divorced when I was a year old. I didn’t have a choice but to be in the outdoors. When I was with my dad, it was just me and him. He would take me out hunting or put me on his shoulders and check his trap lines. He would pick me up after school, and we would go on some kind of adventure. It was always fun. And still is!

2) So how did you start hunting?

With my dad for sure. I killed my first deer at nine years old with an old muzzleloader. It was a little five-point buck. From there I was hooked. I grew up mainly whitetail hunting and pond fishing. I would do a little squirrel hunting and trapping. I actually got my dad into turkey hunting a few years back, and now he loves it. It’s always nice when I get home and do that with him.

Kentucky Woman | Allie Butler 2

3) What’s your favorite thing to hunt for and why? Is there anything you haven’t hunted that you want to hunt?

The Kimber CDS9

Whitetail will always be my favorite. That’s what I was raised on. Whitetail hunting with my dad will always be my dream hunt. But I also hunt hogs and turkey now. Elk hunting is on the top of my to-do list. I’ve heard a lot of great things about it.

4) You are also a traveler. What’s the best place you’ve ever been and why?

Hands down—New Zealand! I would recommend it to anyone who loves to hunt, loves adventure, and loves pretty scenery. We went to the North and South Islands, so we saw both sides of things. The North Island is super green, and the South Island is straight up and down mountains—you have to take a helicopter to get to the top of the mountains because you couldn’t do it otherwise. We hunted red stag and sheep on the North Island and tahr (a species of mountain goat) on the South Island. It is gorgeous country. My biggest fear is heights, and I went bungee jumping for the first time while we were there. I love to travel, I love adventure, and I love trying new things—anything that gives me a little thrill!

Now when deer season comes around, from September through the end of the year, I like to be home. That’s my time to catch up with my family, and I’m pretty much in a tree stand every single day. I consider that my down time even though I’m still hunting. The rest of the year, I’m traveling for turkey, hog hunting, fishing, and bow fishing.

Kentucky Woman | Allie Butler 3

5) What’s your best one that got away story?

I have lots of those. It would have to be a buck I missed with a bow on opening morning in Louisiana. I had a target buck, but I had a buck come out that morning that wasn’t my target. He was huge, and I was contemplating whether I should shoot him or not. I hemmed and hawed and made myself way too nervous, and I ended up shooting over his back. But that evening, I ended up getting my target buck after all.

6) How do you encourage women and girls to try outdoor sports and activities?

I encourage them to go with someone they trust, who knows what they’re doing. Go with another woman, someone you look up to, and just give it a try.

The Kimber CDS9

7) You have almost 150,000 Instagram followers, ever get any strange comments?

All the time. The strangest would probably have to be people asking me for pictures of my feet. I could make you a list!

8) If you could plan out your perfect day, what would that look like?

I would want to go on an elk hunt in the mountains with my dad—just us spending the whole day, without cell service, so we could just make memories.

Kentucky Woman | Allie Butler 4

9) How does social media fit into your life and work?

I like to document what I’m doing; I try to take people along for the journey. I work full time for Xtreme Concepts where I am Creative Director and a brand ambassador. I’m in front of the camera hosting shows. Currently I’m working on a show with Jeffrey Earnhardt, who is a NASCAR driver. I try to be consistent with my posting. Consistency is key. It can be stressful sometimes, but it’s a big part of my life.

10) What do you like to do when you’re not hunting and fishing?

The Kimber CDS9

I enjoy hanging out with friends, whether it’s at home or traveling. I love laying on the beach, floating on the river. Just something outdoors if I’m honest. I’m not much of a shopper or anything like that. I’d rather be outside with people I like—at cookouts or concerts.

11) What are your future plans?

I would love to live somewhere in Texas, Every time I go to Texas, it wins my heart over.

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