
Orin Julie: Queen of Guns

Former Israeli Combat Soldier Orin Julie   Former Israeli Combat Soldier Orin Julie talks about her love of guns and wanting to be the next Gal Gadot  Orin Julie Age—25 Hometown—Ramat…
BY Barry Wise Smith Dec 30, 2019 Read Time: 7 minutes
Orin Julie: Queen of Guns
The Kimber CDS9

Former Israeli Combat Soldier Orin Julie  

Former Israeli Combat Soldier Orin Julie talks about her love of guns and wanting to be the next Gal Gadot 

Orin Julie
Hometown—Ramat Gan, Israel

Orin (pronounced Oreen) Julie is no ordinary gun model. The 25-year-old Israeli native served three years in the Israeli military, which built her character and sparked her love of firearms. After completing her service, the self-titled Queen of Guns jettisoned her passion for guns into her own business—Alpha Gun Angels, a group of social media influencers who do marketing and promotion for the gun industry. Now with over 580,000 followers on Instagram and her own YouTube channel, Orin Julie is well on her way to building her own brand. 

orin julie

1) How did growing up in Israel influence you?  

In Israel the gun laws are very strict. Citizens aren’t allowed to own guns unless they have a very good reason. So I wasn’t familiar with firearms. I had really only seen guns used in movies. When I started my army service, I wasn’t a combat soldier, but I had to shoot as part of my basic training. And I fell in love. After that, I requested to move to a combat role, which was very difficult. For a year, I fought the system, and I became a combat soldier in a search-and-rescue unit.  

When I finished my service, I was trying to find a regular job. I was studying database administration and trying to figure out what I wanted to do. But I was still going to the range and got into sport shooting. I never left it and always knew I wanted to do something with that. Then my Instagram started blowing up, and companies were asking me to post about them and talk about their products.  

2) How did your mandatory military service shape you? 

In Israel, women are required to serve for two years, but I served for three because I was a combat soldier. I served on the borders of Israel, and there is always action. It was very hard. Those were the hardest years I’ve ever had, but I appreciate them because they built my character. I saw things I will never forget. I defended my country. I was one of very few females serving in a combat role at the time. But now girls want to serve as combat soldiers. Women want to be strong and defend themselves and their land. 

The Kimber CDS9

3) Your father passed away when you were 19. How did that affect you and what you were trying to do with your life? 

I was serving in the military. It was during the time that I was trying to become a combat soldier, and one of the reasons they didn’t want me to switch to combat was because they thought that because my father had passed away I wouldn’t be able to mentally handle it. But one month before he passed away, my father told me how proud he was of me and that he wanted me to go for my goals. And then nothing could stop me. 

4) I know you are associated with Taran Tactical. How did that relationship develop, and what do you do for them? 

I was always a fan of Taran’s, and I met him when I came to California. He recognized me, and I was so excited, and we became friends. Now every time I come to California, I train with them and create content. I have learned a lot from him. I want to be a better shooter, so it’s important to me.  

5) You started your own business—Alpha Gun Angels—what does the company do and what are your goals for the business? 

I saw that the gun industry wasn’t marketing to women. I had a lot of followers, and I saw the potential to bring more women to the industry. I created this amazing group of influencers who promote the gun industry on their own channels, with reviews, on television and in movies, and at exhibitions.  

The Kimber CDS9

It’s not posing with guns in bikinis. I respect what anyone wants to do, but that’s not what I want to do. I’m a professional. If I’m just a beautiful woman posing with a gun, nobody cares. But if I’m professional and can talk about guns and explain things, then people will listen to me and buy products. Gun companies like to work with me because I’m a professional. They know I served and that I’ve taken courses and that I’m trying to improve all the time. 

Alpha Gun Angels started an e-commerce shop that sells holsters and gun accessories at I’m also developing a line of combat/shooting gear designed specifically for women with Oso Gear, an Israeli company. It’s a line of vests and other tactical gear that works for women in the military but also works for CrossFit and other outdoor sports. In my time, there was no equipment made specifically for women.  

I’ve also partnered with a new app called Double Shoot from Israel. In basic training, you have to zero your weapon, but the old-school way takes a lot of time and effort. This app has found a cool way to help zero a variety of assault rifles and machine guns. You can also compete in the app. 

I see my dreams coming true. I did not grow up in a wealthy home where I was given everything. I had to make my money and invest it in my company.  

orin julie

6) You are called the Queen of Guns. Why this nickname and how did it come about? 

I gave myself this name. I believe that the way you see yourself is how other people will see you. I think I’m a queen—we’re all queens by the way—and I love guns. It’s all about confidence.  

7) What is your favorite gun to shoot and why? 

I have several. Taran pistols—they’re amazing. I’ve never shot anything else like them. They’re comfortable, and the trigger is amazing. The X95 is an Israeli bullpup assault rifle—it’s really good for short-distance fighting. The Kriss Vector looks like it came out of a movie. And the BUL SAS 2—I own this pistol, and I love it. 

The Kimber CDS9

8) You have over half a million Instagram followers. What role does social media play in your life and business?

 I like to keep my private life very private. I never post about people I date or about my personal life. I don’t want to be too exposed. I try to keep it very professional. I like to keep some things for myself. 

9) What are some goals you’ve set for yourself? 

I really want to be an actress in Hollywood. I know I have a lot to give. I could be a really good action actress. I want to be the next Wonder Woman like Gal Gadot. My biggest wish is to be the next Avenger, The Queen of Guns—I think they should make a movie about me. I also want to grow my company and expand to distribution and retail services. I’m working to create a lot of content. I’m happy where I am, but I want to be bigger. I want to develop my own products, and I want to help women in this industry.  

10) What is the best thing about growing up in Israel? 

I like that military service is mandatory. It builds character. Israel is an amazing country. I’m 100 percent Jewish and proud! 

orin julie
The Kimber CDS9

11) Do you ever get strange comments from your social media followers? 

Absolutely! So many you can’t imagine. I get a lot of marriage proposals.  

12) What do you like to do in your downtime? 

I like to work out, but the truth is I work all the time. When I’m sad, I work. When I’m bored, I work. Guns are my biggest love, so I don’t feel like I’m working. So I work all the time—at night and on weekends. I’m always going to the range to get better.  

13) Fitness is important to you. What’s your routine? 

I like to do boxing and weights. I’m doing CrossFit now—it’s very interesting to me.  

The Kimber CDS9
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