Tips for Tighter Archery Groups
To the beginner, these tips for tighter archery groups are key factors in ensuring a good shot and a clean kill. To the seasoned hunter, let these tips for tighter archery groups be a solid reminder of technique. School is never out for the pro.
BY Josh Honeycutt Jun 05, 2023 Read Time: 3 minutes

To the beginner, these tips for tighter archery groups are key factors in ensuring a good shot and a clean kill. To the seasoned hunter, let these tips for tighter archery groups be a solid reminder of technique. School is never out for the pro.
- A loose grip is important for accurate shooting. A loose grip will result in better shots. It keeps the arm and the body more relaxed during the shot. This reduces the amount of torque that is applied to the bow.
- Following through is just as demanding in archery shooting as any sport. The follow through consists of the bow slightly falling forward after the shot. However, do not drop the bow in elevation. When thinking of this, imagine someone standing straight up and then tipping over with stiff legs. This will naturally follow after a shooter learns to relax throughout the shot; while also keeping a soft hand on the grip as mentioned above.
- Have a consistent anchor point. By anchoring in the exact location each time, a smaller number of shots will go astray of their desired mark. These “anchor points” may vary. For example, when I draw back each time, the index finger on my release hand will rest on the side of my face in the same location. Once I find this point, the bowstring comes to softly rest on my bottom lip. Anchor points will be minutely different from person to person. The key is to find an anchor point, and consistently refer back to this same one each shot.
- Draw weight is very important for accurate shooting. It is not necessary to pull an 80-pound bow that could punch arrows through a four foot brick wall. That is unless it can be comfortably drawn each time. When shooting three dimensional, a lot of arrows will be shot. So, it is important to have a draw weight that will not fatigue the shooter before he or she has completed the course.
- Many people have problems keeping the pin on the target. Here is one way to help reduce this problem. There is a natural motion of the bow, which most people will notice if they take the time to analyze their shot. After the shooter has drawn back, the bow generally has a “drift” to it. For most, it drifts downward at a very slow pace. Use this as an advantage. Allow the pin to “creep” downward until it is on target. Once it is, release the arrow.
- Correct draw length is as important as any factor when accurate shooting is desired. If the draw length is too short the elbow will not have enough extension. If it is too long, the elbow will have too much. The archer will also struggle to maintain a consistent anchor point if the length is not suited for the individual. Rendering each shot much less accurate than would be with a correct draw length.
- Is balance not the key to everything? In most cases it is. Shooting a bow and arrow is not an exception. Keeping the bow square and eliminating any “tilt” in the bow will help improve shooting. In essence, making sure the bow is perpendicular to an ideally “level ground” will reduce foul shots. Archery manufacturers have products that can aid in this attempt. Many of the sights found on the shelf today have a very small level on them. Showing the archer whether the bow needs to tilt left or right before the shot is taken.
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