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Hook & Barrel
A Lifestyle Magazine for Modern Outdoorsmen

Naomi Tomky

Sam Choy’s Secrets to Poke

At age 70, Sam Choy minces no words, only fish, as he fulfills his personal dream of spreading the gospel of Hawaii’s beloved raw seafood delicacy, poke, to every corner of the world. “If you cook tuna, you might as well save your money and buy a can,” he says. And if you serve poke, this man—who has dedicated his life to the dish—would really, really just like you to learn to pronounce it properly. “Poh-kay,” he says slowly. “In the Philippines if you say ‘poh-kee,’ that’s a bad word, a body part. So, you want to make sure you say ‘poh-kay.’”

Sam Choy’s Secrets to Poke Read More »

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